đŸ‘‹Hello, I'm


Front-End Developer based in New York

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Featured projects on display

White lighthouse on a bluff

Lighthouse Project

This landing page was my final project for SheCodes Basics Workshop. I was quite pleased to have learned so much in three weeks. I utilized HTML, CSS, Javascript and VS Code Editor for the assignment.

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Weather App

The SheCodes Plus final assignment was to build an interactive Vanilla Weather App, with real time data for any city. I used the following languages and technologies: CodeSandbox, VS Code Editor, HTML, CSS, Javascript, API, GitHub, Bootstrap and Hosting.

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Vanilla weather app
Delicious croissant

Croissant Website

We were given a challenge in our SheCodes Responsive Workshop, to build a basic multiple page website called Croissant, utilizing all we have learned up to this point.

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